Thursday, October 10, 2013


Out to dinner with a few friends. This was the thought that came to mind, while out to dinner with several former colleagues.  "So how is the new job going?" 


"Just good?"

"It's fine, I'm enjoying it and learning a lot. My coach is great!"

They keep grilling me on what "techniques" or "strategies" do you have? "You know since ya''ll are closing the achievement gap!  Ok, where did that come from? Don't get me wrong these are my girls! I love them but I believe there is some tension about  me going to charter school.

Alright you asked for it. I go through several techniques  and strategies.  When I finish putting on my one woman show; I'm greeted by laughing and heads shaking no.
 "Do you really think that mess is going to work?"

"No real high school student would listen to that mess." 

"Oh! Wait doesn't Mr.????? teach like that?"


"He does and he's a great teacher!"

"Yeah, he is good."

"Can we get the check please?"

I am fuming really, are you guys serious!   What the ****! Oh well I love them. I resign myself to the idea that they will work to close the achievement gap on their end. I will work to close it on my end. We are all in this together.